
The Sarah Stacey Magic Touch : A Delightful Stay at The Menagerie

December 11, 2023

Today I am veeery excited to take you through a space I’ve had on my list for a while now : The Temptress Suite. Rawr !
This suite was designed by Sarah Stacey, a fabulous fellow-maximalist, working in the Texas area (and beyond!). I met Sarah a few months ago in Paris, while she was visiting my pal Allison Crawford – designer extraordinaire – and she was just a delight. We had a very chic Parisian “apéro-dinatoire” at Soho House – which translates to : half of your dinner consists of your drinks, the rest is small bites and finger foods that you share and peck at. (The perfect non-hungry solution if you still want delicious foods in your mouth … Take note, Americans !) It was a lovely time to be in the presence of these two very cool ladies of the design world, and at the time I didn’t know much about Stacey so of course as I went home, I did some light internet stalking, as you do…
And I quickly realized that oh shit – “I do know of Stacey ! She did a lot of the rooms that I have saved up on Pinterest & Insta !”

Sarah, among other things, is the designer behind The Menagerie in Fredericksburg, TX., which is composed of 11 totally redone historical units, to which she each gave a unique look and feel.

Enter : The Temptress Suite. Now while all the units are fantastically well done – this one is just completely and utterly up my alley, so I had to share ! It’s moody, but not dark, it’s deliciously fun with the contrast of the kitchenette and the bathroom – I mean that bathroom wall mural against the plum and diamond black and white pattern on the floor ?? Come on. Perfection !
What cemented it for me also is this bed choice. I’ve been in love with this bed for the past 5 years, and I’ve tried to use it for clients many a-time but alas, we’re too poor 😂. It’s such a sexy beast… This sofa color makes me so happy I want to scream, and the added moulding as a shelf for the gallery wall is genius. Also I can see that Sarah really loved Paris, her trip and its design offerings, and it really comes through in her style before that and especially in a curated, layered room like this, she has that effortless inner-french eye.
At least that’s what I see come through in this room. Take a look and see if you feel the same :

Of course, The Menagerie has a different style for each suite, so make sure to check them all out to find your personal fave,
you can see them all in her portfolio here. Make sure also to follow Sarah on Instagram to see all of her amazing creations.

As for me keep your eyes peeled because we have a big reveal coming, for a project that took many, many months, and I’m very excited about that ! We’re waiting on photos now and then you won’t be able to get away from them so treasure this time of freedom before
I incessantly spam you with them 😉 Enjoy your week !

*All photos are from Sarah Stacey Design
— Marie

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