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Weekly Finds

Weekly Finds

The Coolest Finds of the Week

Ola internet friends ! Coming to you very late for a Friday post (oops!) but alas, there was no way around it … I didn’t want to miss out again though since I was away last week, so better late than never I say…

March 11, 2023
Weekly Finds

The Coolest Finds of the Week

Happy Friday ! It’s time for another round of Weekly Finds, and today it’s all about pop colors, wiggly shapes, and all around cuteness ! Things are coming along nicely in my home makeover so I’m feeling all kinds of cheery 🤗 Make sure…

February 24, 2023
Weekly Finds

The Coolest Finds of the Week

It’s a Pink Friday extravaganza !! Now, it’s no secret how much I luuurve pink, so – as much as I don’t care about V-day at all, sorry not sorry -, I am all in for the pink explosion it brings every year on…

February 17, 2023
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