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Living Room

Makeovers My Home

Art Round Up (with links!)

Hello, hello ! Welcome back, mostly to me, after the great Norwegian adventure ! I came back fully rested and full of ideas … Ah ! Just kidding I never wanted to leave and I’m already exhausted. But, such is the way of the…

February 6, 2017
Makeovers My Home

Going Blue – A Messy Tale

Guess who’s back ? Back again…… It’s me. Was that not clear ? Sorry. So, as I told you on Wednesday, I got very excited about the idea of painting another wall in my apartment and going with a bold hue, and I was…

January 20, 2017
Makeovers My Home

Life After Wallpaper

Hey guys ! So sorry I’m late ! I was on a work site for the last two days and had zero time to post … I’ve been a bit overbooked with new projects over the last months and as cool as that is for my…

January 18, 2017
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