
New on my Radar : Ecco Design !

December 12, 2022

Happy Monday all ! I am feeling myself get more excited every Monday, now that the year is coming to a close, my days of being sick are finally behind me and a break surrounded by adorable furry creatures by the fire in the South-West of France is only a few days away ! We’re freezing our collective butts off in Paris right now and my apartment has horrible insulation so
I cannot wait to get the hell out of here to be honest 😝
Today though I am stoked, because I feel like this happens less and less as Pinterest is only showing me the same old designs all the time, but ! I found a new design team I’d never encountered before and I was wowed, delighted by the choices, the boldness, and it gave me that much sought after inspiration high !! 🙌

The design team in question is Ecco Design, a fabulous duo from Texas who’s creating so high contrast, cozy but dramatic spaces throughout the state. What surprised me is that a lot of these homes are on the traditional side – which as you may have guessed, isn’t really my bag – but they always manage to infuse a lot of unexpected touches, the furniture selection is incredible, there is no other word (I gasped, out loud, multiple times!), and it really elevates a simple design to something of a showstopper, almost every time, and trust me that is no small feat!

I went through their portfolio for a good hour just basking in the goodness and these are some of my favorites areas and vignettes, all from different homes ! But of course, do yourself a favor and check it out with your own eyes on their website !
For now, here’s my little selection :

*All photos are from Ecco Design
— Marie

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