It should come as no surprise when I say that accessories are the be all and end all of my design process.
Finding that perfect bold, weird or colorful piece that makes the space so special is what it’s all about and how you separate your design from all the others out there.

So if you like my style, you’ve probably spotted a few unique accessories in my work, and have started coveting them for yourself.
Well, this is your chance to make the dream come true !

While accessories are part of the deal for a full design, if you don’t need any help in that department, I will curate a batch of amazing accessories to match your room vibe and personality.
We’ll locate spots where you need an upgrade or spaces that feel too empty, and I’ll put together a board of pieces for you to spread around the room and set yourself apart !

This includes everything from frames, candle holders, trays, decorative objects, and all types of small objects that pack a punch, along with pillows !

Keep in mind that this consultation applies to one room only, but you can add-on if you need help with a second room !

It’s easy peasy !
1 / Shoot me an email and let me know about your space.
For this option I’ll need photos of the current design, and a good idea of your budget for this project.
Please add any inspiration you’ve saved up, or specifics you think might be important, like introducing me to your pets ! 😜

2 / Once set, I’ll send you an invoice for the full amount and we’ll get this show on the road !

3 / We’ll do a quick call ! Let me know your preference between Zoom, Skype and FaceTime and we’ll set up a time to meet.
Keep in mind I’m in Paris so there is a time difference. But don’t worry, we’ll make it fun 😉

4/ After our chat and a few days of sourcing, I’ll send you a concept board with as many options as your project needs, along with links to purchase !

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